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Diamond Solitaire Ring
On this page you are curious about the factors that determine the solitaire prices, the effects of the solitaire ring models on the appearance of the stone, the solitaire rings that surprise with the prices of the celebrities, and the solitaire diamond rings ...
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Turkey's diamond expert
Turkey's best-selling brand solitaire diamond ring
Turkey's biggest diamond jewelery brand issuers
"The only address of solitaire" offering the highest quality solitaires at the most affordable prices
Wide choice of solitaire rings from classic to modern
Inside all the solitaire rings, there is an eternity symbol telling your love and a diamond touching your skin.
What to Consider When Buying Solitaire?

Choosing a diamond solitaire is actually easy:
The first point you need to determine when choosing a diamond engagement ring should be the size of the stone you want and your budget.
You can determine the size of the solitaire according to the usage pattern, habits and physical characteristics of the wearer. In the marriage proposal, you can focus on the solitaire models with 0.20 carats and above diamonds, depending on your budget. Zen Diamond is the largest diamond jewelery manufacturer in Europe and the Middle East and offers many different diamond solitaire rings.
In the diamond world, there are many variables that affect solitaire prices and quality. For this reason, the most important point you need to know when you intend to buy solitaire is to buy solitaire work and expertise from a company that has diamonds.
It is more advantageous to buy your solitaire from a diamond brand because the brand is trust, you can guarantee the product, you get your solitaire with a certificate showing all its features, it can help you in detail, you can offer many options; because his work is diamond. Zen Diamond is a brand with a long history dating back to the 1890s and specializing only in diamonds.
Even though it looks the same with the naked eye, each diamond is completely different from the other, in other words, each diamond is unique. Diamonds are classified according to 4C features, cut, color, clarity, carat weight (Carat) and are effective in determining the prices of 4C solitaire rings. The better the color and cut of a diamond, the more "clean" it is in terms of clarity, the more it falls into the precious stone category. Zen Diamond uses a high level of color and clarity combination in all of its solitaires.
All gold parts of the ring except the stone are called montur. In a sense, it is the model of the ring. When purchasing solitaire, it is very important to choose the size according to the size of the stone.
Montür can make the solitaire diamond look even bigger than it is. You can pay attention to this while choosing diamond rings with small stones.

Each diamond has its own unique marks during its formation in nature; Therefore, every solitaire is unique and has no equal in nature. It is charming and inspiring with its solitaire shine. It expresses love, loyalty, and that the gifted person is special and unique. For this reason, it is very meaningful to propose marriage with the solitaire diamond, the symbol of immortal love.
The first herald of today's engagement rings was a flat iron ring. After the 15th century, the ring symbolizing eternity was reinforced with diamond, the sign of marriage bond.
The mysterious properties of diamonds continued throughout history. Hundreds of years ago, when diamond was first found in India, it attracted attention because of its magic rather than its magnificent beauty. In those times, it was believed that diamonds protected people from all evil. The Romans highly valued diamonds for its hardness and believed that diamonds could break even iron. On the other hand, Italians used to think that they were protected from poison thanks to diamonds.
The diamond, which takes its name from the word "adamas", which means "inexcusable" in Greek, symbolizes the unbending and invincible power. Which stone better symbolizes a lifelong togetherness?
From the soft brilliance of the raw diamonds of ancient times to the maturity period polished with the dazzling and alluring techniques of the 20th century, the diamond became the true gift of love and loyalty between men and women, like a charm ring, became the seal of the promise of marriage.

Until the 15th century, the wealthy married with precious stones. The use of diamond rings for engagement became a fashion trend towards the end of this century. The letter dated 1477, written before Archduke Maximillian of Austria was engaged to Mary of Burgundy, read as follows:
In addition to a ring decorated with diamonds during the engagement, she should also carry a gold ring.
Diamond jewelery had a very important place in our culture as well. Jewelery business advanced a lot in the Ottoman state and the Grand Bazaar became the center of it. Many sultans such as Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror and Suleiman the Magnificent took special interest in diamonds and gave them many jewels with diamonds such as panhane and harem rings.

In addition, the Ottoman sultans would send diamond wedding gifts to the kings and queens of foreign states. The diamond necklaces and earrings presented to Queen Victoria by Sultan Abdülmecit were worn on her wedding gown at the queen wedding.
Very fond of jewelery and diamonds, Queen Victoria wrote in her diary of Monday, February 10, 1840: “I was wearing a satin dress with lace. I also wore my Turkish diamond necklace, earrings and Albert's beautiful sapphire brooch ”.
In the 20th century, sparkling solitaire diamonds and wedding rings, which emerged with the skills of master artists, continue to be the symbol of immortal love and this tradition will continue for centuries. Because the diamond, with its fire and brilliance, is the stone that best suits the bride's glimmer of love and happiness.
Solitaire of the Eminents
Every solitaire diamond ring gifted for the purpose of marriage becomes the focus of attention of family members, friends and the environment. Comments are made on its beauty, size, and radiance, and tastes are expressed. This subject is almost a matter of curiosity and entertainment in itself. And this diamond ring is for a famous person; if his life, life, relationships, attitude, clothes, in short, belong to someone who is watched with curiosity by many people ...

Let's take a stroll through history and take a look at some of the famous solitaire diamond rings, each one like a fairy tale, that ignite feelings of taste, surprise, and jealousy.
From the royal family and the world of politics ...
The tradition of gifting diamond rings as a symbol of love and devotion began in the 15th century when Archduke Maximillian of Austria presented a diamond ring to Mary, the Duchess of Burgundy, during her engagement. This ring was probably the first famous wedding ring in history. The tradition of wearing a ring on the fourth finger of the left hand comes from the ancient Egyptians' belief that the vein found in this finger ("vena amoris" - love vein) directly reaches the heart.

Another noteworthy wedding ring is the snake-shaped ring of Queen Victoria. Since no one had worn a ring on this figure until then, it became the most spoken ring of its time and gained a well-deserved reputation.

The ring Prince Philip wore when he proposed to Elizabeth, Queen of England, consisted of diamonds on the crown of the prince's mother, passed down from generation to generation. In the middle, five smaller diamonds surrounded the 3-carat diamond.
The marriage of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco was like a fairy tale. The 10.47-carat emerald cut diamond ring with a baguette cut diamond on its sides has become the most imitated icon by designers all over the world.

The ring Prince Philip wore when he proposed to Elizabeth, Queen of England, consisted of diamonds on the crown of the prince's mother, passed down from generation to generation. In the middle, five smaller diamonds surrounded the 3-carat diamond.
The marriage of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco was like a fairy tale. The 10.47-carat emerald cut diamond ring with a baguette cut diamond on its sides has become the most imitated icon by designers all over the world.

From show business ...
In 1968, Richard Burton purchased the 33-carat Krupp diamond as a wedding gift. The former owner of the diamond was the second wife of the steel giant Alfred Krupp. The 69.42-carat pear-shaped diamond Burton gifted to Elizabeth Taylor became the most famous ring, if not for marriage. Cut from a rough diamond larger than 240 carat, this stone went down in jewelery history as a Taylor-Burton diamond.
Jennifer Aniston received a proposal from Justin Theroux with a 10 carat cushion-cut diamond solitaire ring.

The solitaire ring that Jay-Z gifted to Beyonce was an 18-carat emerald cut.
Michael Douglas proposed to Catherine Zeta-Jones to marry her on Christmas of 1999, with a 10-carat marquise-cut diamond ring surrounded by 28 diamonds. The value of the ring is estimated to be between 2 and 3 million USD.

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